Orange County Seal


Orange County Genealogy Society

101 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10924

OCGS Queries
Programs & Events
Pub Order Form
Research Room
Room Hours

What is available within Orange County Genealogical Society’s research room: (*) identifies items which may be purchased in person or by mail

Equipment:     (no coins needed, pay 10 cents per page when you leave)     Three copiers, all of which enlarge and reduce

     Two new (in 2006) Minolta digitized microfilm/microfiche readers          each with a laser printer

     One Windows 95 computer, with:

          - over 80 Family Tree Maker databases (and a master index)

          - over 150 CD-ROM’s including 1880 census of entire US


     A master surname index of books and folders,

Books about Orange County:

     Orange County histories (Eager, Headley, Ruttenber & Clark) (*)

     Portrait & Biographical Record (*)

     Pioneer Families of Orange County (*)

     Genealogical History of Blacks in Orange County (6 vol)\

     Early Orange County will abstracts (1787-1830) (*)

     Orange County church records (some)

     Orange County cemetery listings (some)

     Family genealogies (over 300)

     City directories – Middletown & area 1899-1952 (some missing)

     City directories – Newburgh    & area 1899-1956 (some missing)

     Whig Press Deaths 1851-1865 (*)

     Whig Press Marriages 1851-1865 (*)

           (see also list of books for sale, all of which are on our shelves)

Hanging folders:

     Family folders – over a thousand hanging folders, with

            information received from many  sources, filed by surname

     The Elizabeth Horton collection (over 1,100 surnames)

     The Helen  Predmore collection (almost 500 surnames)

     The Myrtle Edwards collection (now integrated into the

            family folders by surname)

            (the above 3 ladies were paid researchers; now deceased)

Well-known quarterlies (OCGS has every issue):

     The American Genealogist (sorry, no master index)

     NY Genealogical & Biographical Record

            (master index on CD-ROM)

     New England Historical & Genealogical Register

            (volumes 1-148 on microfilm, with printed index)

     Connecticut Nutmegger + index of vol 1-28


     Index to Revolutionary War Service Records (set)

     Abstracts of  Revolutionary War Pension Records (set)

     New York in the Revolution as Colony and State

     DAR Patriot Index

     New York Soldiers in the Civil War (showing units)

     New York in the War of the Rebellion (set)

     Roll of Honor (set) (Civil War)

     Histories of several local Civil War regiments

     Index to Mexican War Pension Files


     1850 maps of Orange County (in 4 quadrants) (*)

           These maps are large and very detailed, with names of farmers.

     14 other maps (*) (see publications for sale)



      All 34 volumes of “Mayflower Descendant”, indexed

      Mayflower Source Records

      Mayflower “Increasings”, “Births & Deaths”, “Marriages”, “Deeds”


New England:

      New England Marriages, by Torrey

      Genealogical Dictionary of New England, by Savage

      The Great Migration Begins

      English Origins of New England Families

      CT  Genealogies of Connecticut Families (3 vol)

      CT  Genealogy & Family History of Connecticut (4 vol; partial index)

      RI  - Genealogies of Rhode Island Families

Other states:

      NJ - Abstracts of Wills 1670-1817 (13 vol) (indexed in 3 vol)

      NJ - Genealogies of New Jersey Families (2 vol)

      NJ - Early Germans of New Jersey

      NJ - Marriage Records 1665-1800

      NJ - Newspaper Extracts 1704-1782

      PA - Genealogies of Pennsylvania Families

      PA - Pennsylvania Vital Records

      PA - Pennsylvania Church Records

      PA - Biographical Record of Northeast Pennsylvania, with new index


      New England Historical & Genealogical Report, volumes 1 to 148

             (with printed indexes)

      Federal censuses of Orange & adjacent counties, 1790 – 1880,

             (with printed indexes), 1900-1930

      1880 Soundex census of New York State

             (we also have the 1880 census index on CD-ROM)

      State censuses of Orange & adjacent counties 1825-1875,

             (by town, no index)

      Mortality schedules 1850-1880 NY & NJ

      Index of wills and probate records at Orange County surrogate court 1787-1941

      Town clerk civil war reports for most of NY state

      Tax assessment rolls for most of NY state, 1799-1804 era

      Orange County marriages 1908-1932, with index  

      Orange County court minutes 1727-1856

      Index of Naturalization/Citizenship:

            Declarations 1802-1900

            Petitions       1827-1903

      Index of Orange County deeds:

            Grantors 1703-1891

            Grantees 1703-1891

      Index of Orange County mortgages:

            Mortgagors 1703-1869

            Mortgagees 1703-1869

      Newspapers (microfilm on loan from County Historian)

            Goshen Independent Republican 1813-1957

            Goshen Democrat 1834-1933

            Walden Citizen Herald 1916-1925

            Cornwall Local/Reflector/Record 1880-1909

            Warwick Advertiser 1882-1981

            Warwick Valley Dispatch 1924-1930

            Newburgh Free Library Alsdorf scrapbook vol I-XV

Referral cards:

      Hundreds of 3x5 surname cards with addresses of people researching

             those surnames, submitted by members and non-members