OCGS Query
Quarterly Submissions We encourage the submission of articles to be published in our Quarterly. If you have some material you have researched that you would like to have published, please consider submitting it to us. Long or short, we welcome your material. It takes a lot to fill our Quarterlies. We are glad to present material prepared by our Members. If you have questions about your submission, please contact the Editor at nhsip@frontiernet.net QUERY Page: OCGS members are entitled to submit 4 queries a year for publication in our Quarterly. More than 4 are accepted and published as space permits. Non-member queries are also accepted, as space permits. We prefer our queries come from Members, but we are also willing to take a chance on any Orange County-related queries, in the hopes that it will help our researchers. Non-members who submit queries are encouraged to make arrangements to purchase the Quarterly that their queries will appear in. Please make that request when submitting your queries. Queries printed in the quarterly, contain the name and address of the person submitting them so other researchers can correspond with them more easily. Queries that are emailed should be sent at least six weeks before publication date. Our Quarterly is published May, August, November, and February. Publication dates should be considered as the 1st of each month. Please do not use any abbreviations or condensed words in your queries. Your editor will put in abbreviations as needed. Please make sure your name and postal address appear in the email with your queries. We shouldn't want them to get lost. Let us remind you to proofread your queries carefully. Mistakes can hamper response. You may email your queries to OCGS at <nhsip@frontiernet.net> Please write OCGS in the subject line. Please note: if you have questions you and would like our correspondence committee to address, please write OCGS Correspondence Committee, 101 Main St., Goshen NY 10924. for QUERY ANSWERS Since answers to queries are of interest to many members of the Society, we encourage you to send a copy of your response to us for publication in the next Quarterly whenever you send an answer to a query. Please email your Query Answers at least six weeks before publication dates (1 May, 1 Aug, 1 Nov, 1 Feb). Please proofread your Query Answers carefully. We will gladly edit your material, but try to be very clear. Do not abbreviate or use condensed words. Please make sure your name and postal address appear on your email. You may email your Query Answers to OCGS at <nhsip@frontiernet.net> Please write OCGS in the subject line. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREATING AN ANCESTOR TABLE Here is a blank form for creating Ancestor Charts for the OCGS quarterly. Please note, these are sometimes called Ancestor Tables and other times Ancestor Charts. Someone may argue that there is a difference between the two, but here we use either name for the same information. To start, please put your name (maiden name for women) and your birth date and place in the space for #1. #2 is for your father’s name and birth date & place. Use a semi colon (;) and then ad death date and place, if appropriate. #3 is for your mother’s information. #4 & 5 are for your father’s mother & father. #6 & 7 are for your mother’s parents. For each successive generation, you take any ancestor, let’s use #4, your paternal grandfather. Multiply by 2 to get #8, for his father’s information, add 1, to get #9 for #4’s mother. In each case, take any individual, multiply by 2 to get number for the father, add 1 more to get the mother’s number. Include birth dates and places; then death dates and places. You may add other information, such as marriage date and place. (Please put that at the end of the entry, after the death date). That information will not be printed in the quarterly, but it will be kept on file. You may also add brief notes, such as (was a Captain in NYSV 124th Reg’t during Civil War). Please enter such information in parentheses ( ) at the end of the entry. They may or may not be included in the quarterly, but they will be kept on file at OCGS. We request the first six generation of your Ancestor Table, but we will accept any additional generations that you may submit. That information will be a useful addition to the records at OCGS. Information from the earlier generations (beyond six) will be included in your published Ancestor Table when the ancestor has a direct connection to the Orange County area. Please try to limit your Ancestor Table information to data you have fully researched or verified. Do not use “guessed” or “estimated” dates or places. If you don’t have an entry for any particular line, leave the space blank. If you have any further questions, please contact Quarterly Editor, c/o Orange Co. Gen. Soc., 101 Main St., Goshen NY or email <nhsip@frontiernet.net> On the next page, is a Blank Ancestor Table for you to fill in. The size here is for Quarterly use. You may, of course, increase the size for your convenience in filling it out. Good luck. We look forward to receiving your information for the Quarterly. ANCESTOR CHART of NAME, address I 1. II 2. 3. III 4. 5. 6. 7. IV 8. |